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We have put together a few of Sarabec’s Most loved hearing products for you this Valentine’s day. Some of which make great gifts for loved ones.
Our Chimeflash Doorbell system is VERY Loud, and EXTRA bright, so you can guarantee you won't miss a visitor again.
It assists those with hearing loss or vision loss, providing alerts to everyday household events like the doorbell or telephone. The Chimeflash system offers:
Buy Now Only: £42.99 ex. VAT
The Landline Experience with a Touch of MobileThe big-buttoned, amplified Geemarc CL9000 looks and behaves like a landline telephone, but it is portable, and runs on a mobile network, meaning it doesn't need plugging into a phone line. Insert the SIM card of your choice and make calls from any room in the house, including the garden.Unaffected by power cuts or internet services going down, the phone will continue to work whenever you need it. The Digital Voice Switchover is cause for concern for many of us, especially in the event of a power cut, and this phone helps combat that.
Buy Now Only: £116.66 ex. VAT
Another popular product is the LA240 Loop System. It provides a practical solution for hearing aid users to more easily listen to their TV or Audio equipment via the “T” or “Loop” program of their hearing aid.
Buy Now Only: £137.49 ex. VAT
The Amplicall Sentinel Alarm Video Monitor is an all-in-one baby monitor that enables parents, grandparents, and carers to keep an eye on their baby from a distance. The receiver rings, flashes, vibrates, and offers a Live feed so you can see what your baby is up to, 'feel' an alert, and sleep easy knowing your baby is too. Features include:
Buy Now Only: £148.99 Ex. VAT
The analogue, extra loud (80dB) alarm clock has a continuous 4-minute snooze, flashing ring light, and 5 x alarm settings, including vibrations for those heavy sleepers!
Buy Now Only: £49.99 Ex. VAT
The Crescendo 60 Personal Listener amplifies conversation, & the sounds of television & audio. Listen at a volume that is comfortable for you and doesn't disturb your family, friends or neighbours. The Crescendo transmits sounds clearly into your ears, improving your overall listening experience & helping you keep up with conversation.
Buy Now Only: £81.99 ex. VAT
This extra loud 113db alarm wakes even the heaviest of sleeper! The bed shaker provided is perfect for anyone who is hard of hearing or D/deaf.
If you are not good at getting up in the morning, this alarm clock is the perfect addition to your morning routine. The Sonic Boom Alarm Clock is an easy-to-set digital alarm with red coloured night vision & digital display, powerful shaker, and pulsating alert lights that won’t keep you in the dark.
Buy Now Only: £45.82 ex. VAT
Enjoy a deeper and more comfortable sleep with the original SnoozeBand™. Designed with ultra-soft speakers, it offers unmatchable comfort and an immersive audio experience. Linked to your phone or Bluetooth music device, this can then be used as a tinnitus masker using your favourite apps and sounds. Full washable, and compatible with any Bluetooth device.
Buy Now Only: From £38.99 inc. VAT
Take a look around our site, make yourself at home, we have a wide selection of products including; TV listeners, amplified telephones, extra loud doorbells, alerting systems, alarm clocks and baby monitors to help keep you safe, independent and aid your daily living.
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